From Baretta to bunnies: The best bits on the web this week

The internet can be a soul-sucking place to lurk, but it can also be lovely and brilliant. Here are a few things that made me smile, laugh, think about, and feel inspired this week! Enjoy.


Put your vocabulary to the test and contribute to a worthy cause. FreeRice will donate ten grains of rice for each correct answer. In minutes you could donate a few bowls of rice to the world’s starving. To date 97 billion grains have been donated on behalf of word lovers everywhere.

Stare open-mouthed in astonishment and wonder at these stunning photographs of lightning.

Read my fellow journo, and lovely friend Kayleigh’s incredible blog filled with everything from job hunting to book reviews to online dating.

This is an amazingly interesting read for any and all aspiring, or established, writers.

Fashionistas and fabulous humans of the world should flock to the wonderfully named Clothesencounters youtube channel, by the gorgeous Jenn Im. Not just for fashion junkies, though!

Check out this fanastic compilation of Every Pop Culture Reference from Tarantino Movies in Chronological Order. From Chaplin to Elvis to Lindsay Lohan. Su-fucking-perb!

How cool is this?

Ladies, and men, for your viewing pleasure… Simply exquisite.

Click here for or a good old belly laugh! You’re welcome.

Maybe this is what you’ve been waiting for?

Hope everyone has a shit-hot week xo